Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are having Thanksgiving at our house this year, as we do every year. Hubby and I are both only children and our parents are kind of spread out all over the area, so we are a neutral location. I am going to be extremely busy this week! I keep saying that phrase, don't I? ;) But it is a good kind of busy, one that I never complain about. However, blogging time for me will be a bit hard to come by, so I just wanted to send out a big "Happy Thanksgiving" to everyone!! May it be filled with love and joy, no matter where you are or how you celebrate it. :)

And just for fun:

You Are The Stuffing

You're complicated and complex, yet all your pieces fit together.
People miss you if you're gone - but they're not sure why.


Anonymous said...

Kitkat, I like the colours of your blog! :)

a soldier's wife said...

so glad to hear that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Tanya said...

Kitkat, hope you had a very nice Thanksgiving! I understand the "extremely busy" status! lol!

MoeyMichele said...

Hi KitKat! I've been lurking on your blog too. Happy de-lurking day! thanks for the congrats. I'm glad things went well for you in your training, and hope to hear more of your adventures soon! Have a wonderful Christmas and holiday season!