Friday, February 15, 2008

Cheater, Cheater pumpkin eater

Ok, ok. I admit it. Sometimes I cheat a little here and there in my garden. I am a bit pressed for time lately because there are a few (ok, quite a few) projects at school that are finishing up this month and next. Usually when I start my seeds I pull out my reusable windowsill greenhouse, carefully wash and bleach it, mix up my perfect starter soil and carefully plant each seed. This year, I just really need to get my seeds started fast so I found this little gem (#p036) at the grocery store. It seems easy enough, and I figure that some extra doses of compost tea when I water the seedlings will help make up for the lack of nutrients in the seedlings because I didn't use my regular starter mix. Right now, I am going to start my green peppers and jalpeno peppers, broccoli, and cauliflower. I'll start my tomaotes, lettuce, and spinach in another week or so. Wish me luck, and I will let you know how it turned out.

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