Monday, July 09, 2007

My Summer "Top 10"

Summer has been in full swing here in the Midwest, and all of this heat made me start to think about the things that I love about summer. I know that everyone is just waiting on edge to hear my deep thoughts about the season (please note heavy sarcasm here), so I took the time to make up a "top ten" list.

Top ten things that I LOVE about summer (in no particular order):

10. The ease of summer dressing around the house. Nothing says "Relax" like shorts and flip flops or sundresses.

9. Swimming in the pool with the kids on hot summer afternoons.

8. Swimming in the pool with my hubby on hot summer nights after we put the kids in bed.

7. Lightning bugs, fireflies, or whatever you call them in your neck of the woods.

6. Lemonade, preferably with a shot of Absolute Peach. Am I a bad girl?

5. Watching my hubby grill our dinner. He looks so manly around fire. ;)

4. Iced Tea.

3. Long, sunny, hot days followed by warm nights and campfires. S'mores, anyone.?.

2. Ponytails.

1. My garden, of course.

And, just for the sake of balance, here is my other top ten list ~

Top Ten things that I HATE about summer (in no particular order):

10. Me, in a bathing suit

9. Repeat sentence above 9 more times.

Well, there you go! :-) Does anyone else have anything that they love about summer? I'm in a summer mood, can you tell?


Unashamed said...

Made me laugh!

My hubby has a thing for lemonade and vodka. On Father's Day it was a really nice day so we spent it around the pool. He had a couple of lemonades and then a couple more. By mid-afternoon he was dancing and singing around the backyard, acting silly like a kid. He fell asleep soon after supper!

a soldier's wife said...

Your 10 things you hate most about summer is the exact same list I have for me ;-)
I like your top ten list...several of them are on mine too ;-)

KitKat said...

Ha Ha!! I'm so happy that I am not the only one with a deep, ummmmm, appreciation for lemonade and vodka! And I have had a day like your hubby's Father's Day before. :) Lemonade and vodka goes down much too easily!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

LOL very funny! ;)